Thursday, June 27, 2024

From the Cocoon 2 - Issue of the Wantons Trumpet

 I don't know if this is a bug or a feature but

Wait spoilers go away until like October

I hope it's a feature, but there's an obviously trapped bridge in a gaol where one of the, uh, innards, bursts through the wall like Kool-aid man, but only they didn't see me because obvious trap. So the...fellow? walked to the edge of the bridge and idled for a few seconds and then stepped off. 

I pray to any gods that can hear me that From put a suicidal Kool-aid Man in their game.

Also, like, Mogh, if youre gonna start talking about how you've been morally vindicated by the cancel culturing woke moralists you should really, first of all, listen to your bodyguard when he warns you about the mind control demigod and second don't hire a mind controllable bodyguard. That's on the level of "whoops my shirt fell off" as far as plausibility.

I think npc hornsent is grandam the wonderful's son. And she's dressed like one of the base game chaircrypt giants, who dress like the windmill village npcs who had a village on mount gelmir that was taken over by demihumans. 

And Yet I can't get the image out of my head of Kool-aid man bursting through a wall, going OH YEAAAAHHH, realizing no one is around, and immediately becoming so despondent they throw themselves off a cliff. 

But wait, what if that's how Kool-aid man works? He oofs in one world and is reborn through a random wall? Like a Forlorn, eternally drifting between worlds searching for children's parties to destroy.

I know I'm just randomly talking about hornsent and warrior unjars and they're in no way related, I just like these two puzzle pieces. The red and black thorns are probably bizzaro twins the way everything else is. 

Saturday, June 22, 2024

From the Cocoon 1 - LIES A BLOODY RUIN

 Don't read this for like a couple months. You, yes. I'm talking about voice actors/npcs and general themes from the expansion. I'm nowhere near done. I think I have two more map fragments to unlock? 

Holy shit Igon goes hard.

Like I barely know what the thing he's shrieking about is, but I made him inform me about it repeatedly before I advanced his dialogue. That's the gyoubo guy right? Gotta be. MY NAME IS

The omen finger reader lady in the tower settlement I love with all of my heart. Team whatever Team she's on. Team go away, issue of the wanton harlot.

There are parts where we who have been here for a while can really see how far this has come. To see echoes of ideas like New Londo and Tseldora recontextualized and scaled up like this is wonderful. 

As expected, everything is bizarro everything we knew. Mostly. Dead guy controls a lion king, omen are skinny, dragons are evil. 

Boy I'm sure excited and not sleeping enough.